
2-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, 10827 Berlin - Schöneberg |


2-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 750
10827 Berlin - Schöneberg


# Objektbeschreibung
Es handelt es sich hierbei um ein Tauschangebot.

Sooo quiet street because it can’t be driven through. Really nice place hugely friendly neighbour . Extremely quiet. I wake up with the birds. Gorgeous trees outside my windows. There aren’t any buildings so you get a nice view . Very nice friendly and supportive Nachbarnschaft. Big shared use of gardens. Gorgeous high ceilings and views. Absolutely love it here, we are just getting too many now and need something bigger.

Amazing connections on buses and s Bahn. Gorgeous quaint street in the middle of “bustling” Schoenberg.

Crellestrasse market 2 x week with cheap and fresh vegetables and goods

The more I write this; the less I want to leave. BUT at only 60m2 with 2 humans and 2 cats it’s just a bit too small. Also I’m not keen on walking up so many stairs and the bathroom, frankly, sucks.
It’s clean and everything but it’s just an old cupboard. No space to do makeup.

Of course this is nice cos every other room is huger than usual but I’m just over not having an actual bath or a counter to put my makeup on

# Weitere Angaben
Bodenbelag: Dielen

Anbieter-Objekt-ID: 175810

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