Sink Hole in Winkler County Texas called Wink Sink 2. The second of two sinks, this one is about 1000 feet in diameter with walls of about 60 feet from the surface to the water. It covers approximately 18 acres, opened in 2002, and appears to still be growing, although talus is accumulating so the growth is slowing and may be in the final phases of collapse. WARNING! This is NOT a tourists attraction.

Sink Hole in Winkler County Texas called Wink Sink 2. The second of two sinks, this one is about 1000 feet in diameter with walls of about 60 feet from the surface to the water. It covers approximately 18 acres, opened in 2002, and appears to still be growing, although talus is accumulating so the growth is slowing and may be in the final phases of collapse. WARNING! This is NOT a tourists attraction.
