महाबोधि विहार

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महाबोधि विहार

महाबोधि विहार या महाबोधि मन्दिर, बोध गया स्थित प्रसिद्ध बौद्ध विहार है। यूनेस्को ने इसे विश्व धरोहर घोषित किया है।यह विहार उसी स्थान पर खड़ा है जहाँ गौतम बुद्ध ने ईसा पूर्व 6वी शताब्धिं में ज्ञान प्राप्त किया था।

大菩提寺旁 印度神庙废墟 Hindu t…
Bikkuni precincts of…
Rattanajankamana (Cl…
Mahabodhi Temple Bod…
Here, the 5th Sacred…
coin pilar (where wi…
Buddha's footprints
Homage to the Bodhi …
at night in Mahabodh…
Buddha's footprints 2
Buddha Enlightment P…
BodhGaya - India - 0…
Bodh Gaya 2006 May 1…
Buddha Enlightment P…
Bodhitree, Bodhgaya
Mahabodhi temple Bod…
Bodh Gaya
Sri Maha Bodhi Tree …
Tibetské praporky
The west gate of Ma…
Lama in Bodh Gaya
in Bodh Gaya
Under the Bodhi Tree
Bodghaya Moine à l'o…
The 6th Sacred Place…
The Hindu Guru Grave…
Bhodhi Gaya India
peregrinos em torno …
bodh Gaya temple Bih…
Bodhgaya - India .τ®…
大菩提寺旁 印度神庙废墟 Hindu t…
Mahabodhi Great Stupa
Meditesion in Mahabo…
In Bodh Gaya
Buddhametta Bodh Gaya
Rattanajankamana (Cl…
Lama precincts of a …
precincts of a Mahab…
precincts of a Mahab…
Rattanajankamana (Cl…
Muchalinda precincts…
Rattanajankamana (Cl…
at night in Mahabodh…
precincts of Mahabod…
precincts of Mahabod…
precincts of Mahabod…
precincts of Mahabod…
precincts of Mahabod…
Bodhi Tree in Mahabo…
small stupa in Mahab…
precincts of Mahabod…
Mahabodhi Tree, Bodh…
Mahabodhi Meditation…
buddha vatthai templ…
Shakyamuni facing th…
Budhgaya Entrance
Bodhi Gaya Enlightme…
Bodh Gaya at where …
Bhuddha gaya Stupa
Buddha Kaya Stupa
Sztúpa Bodghayaban
only in Bodh Gaya (©…
Bodhitree in Mahabod…
main temple at bodhg…
Here, the 3rd of 7…
Here,the 6th Sacred…
Here, the 5th Sacred…
Here, the 4th Sacred…
The 3rd Sacred Place…
Buddhametta Bodh Gaya
Bodh Gaya By Art_msw…
maha bodi
Mahabodhi temple
Lama in Bodh Gaya
Front view of Mahabo…
Lord BUDDHA! inside …
Bodghaya l'arbre de …
Bodghaya Moine Boudd…
This was the 1st Sa…
The 2nd Sacred Place…
The 7th out of the 7…
Bhudha Gaya Stupa In…
Bodhi Society India
2550 Kason full moo…
esconde-esconde | hi…
o templo da Iluminaç…
Bodhgaya - Gate to M…
Mahabodhi Great Stupa
Bodh Gaya
