Iceberg track left from the end of the last ice age 13,800 years ago. Lake Ontario covered this area about 35 m. deep. Icebergs breaking off the glacier were blown SW. Those bigger than 35 m. deep stuck along the cliff 0.5 km. east, until they melted enough to slide along the lake bottom plowing up the sediments. Smaller icebergs just floated over this area. Looking SW. Lower your "eye alt" to see more pictures.

Iceberg track left from the end of the last ice age 13,800 years ago.   Lake Ontario covered this area about 35 m. deep.   Icebergs breaking off the glacier were blown SW.  Those bigger than 35 m. deep stuck along the cliff 0.5 km. east, until they melted enough to slide along the lake bottom plowing up the sediments.  Smaller icebergs just floated over this area.  Looking SW.  Lower your "eye alt" to see more pictures.
