PREAH VIHEAR PROVINCE, CAMBODIA. siem always change Khmer words because it's afraid of the World know that they are thieves. The word 'siem', Cambodian represent thief; which it changed from siem to thai. Example, while the Khmer Kingdom extended to Burma, Khmer who lived corner area of northwest was called Chheang Khmer Mon Nov. Later on shorter to, "Chheang Mon Nov; permanently name was Chheang Mon. Which after siem took over 'n changed her to Chheang Mai. Same as Preah Vihear to preah wiharn.

PREAH VIHEAR PROVINCE, CAMBODIA. siem always change Khmer words because it's afraid of the World know that they are thieves. The word 'siem', Cambodian represent thief; which it changed from siem to thai. Example, while the Khmer Kingdom extended to Burma, Khmer who lived corner area of northwest was called Chheang Khmer Mon Nov. Later on shorter to, "Chheang Mon Nov; permanently name was Chheang Mon. Which after siem took over 'n changed her to Chheang Mai. Same as Preah Vihear to preah wiharn.
