Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant

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Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant

The Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant (浜岡原子力発電所, Hamaoka Genshiryoku Hatsudensho, Hamaoka NPP) is a nuclear power plant in the city of Omaezaki in Shizuoka Prefecture, on Japan's east coast, 200 km south-west of Tokyo. It is managed by the Chubu Electric Power Company. There are five units contained at a single site with a net area of 1.6 km² (395 acres). The two oldest units were permanently shut down in 2009 and are currently being decommissioned. Three units Hamaoka-3, 4 and 5 are in long-term shutdown since the aftermath of the Fukushima accident in 2011. From 2011 to 2017 these units underwent significant safety upgrades to enhance their resistance against extreme environmental impacts such as earthquakes and tsunamis. In 2014, Chubu Electric submitted an application to resume power generation, but the review by the Nuclear Regulation Authority has been progressing slowly, and is still ongoing as of 2024. A sixth unit was proposed in 2008 but its construction has been deferred indefinitely.
